A lasting legacy to St. Mary’s Center through your will or estate plan is often the largest gift you will ever make to us. How wonderful to leave a legacy of hope and justice to an organization known for its commitment to equality for all people, particularly the poor and marginalized.
Gifts of all sizes are deeply appreciated. A planned gift can be done very simply:
- List St. Mary’s Center as the beneficiary of your life insurance, 401K, or IRA.
- Make a specific bequest to St. Mary’s Center in your will or estate plan. This is usually done as a percentage of your estate, but it can be a specific amount.
Most planned gifts are given to St. Mary’s Center without restriction, to be used where needed most. If you would like to fund a particular program or project, please check with St. Mary’s Center first, to make sure that your gift can be used appropriately. We are deeply honored to be remembered in such a personal and significant way. Please let us know of your plans so that we can personally thank you and invite you to join our legacy society, the Circle of Hope.
Important information for planning:
- Mary’s Center is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 public charity
- Tax ID is 68-0172229
- Mailing address is: St. Mary’s Center, Post Office Box 23403 Oakland, CA 94623
For more information or to join the Circle of Hope, contact Noah, Director of Development and Communications, 510.923.9600 x226 or ngaiser@stmaryscenter.org.